Monday, 30 May 2016


Fenomena El Nino yang melanda negara baru-baru ini sangat menguji kesabaran kita semua kan? Apa taknya, dengan suhu panas yang agak melampau pasti tak ramai yang mampu tahan.

Sampai tahap ada yang terkena strok haba dek menanggung kepanasan dan dehidrasi. Tapi tahukah anda itu hanya sedikit sahaja ujian kepada kita semua.

Ada lagi kawasan yang setiap tahun berdepan iklim panas dan kering, malah lebih teruk daripada apa yang kita alami. Jadi bersabarlah ok! Kita dah kepanasan tapi ada lagi mereka yang berdepan lebih teruk daripada kita. Jom kita tengok antara 5 lokasi yang terkering di dunia.

1. Aoulef, Aljazair (Curahan Hujan: 12.19mm/Tahun)

Sebuah kota kecil yang terletak di kota Aljazair ini merupakan salah satu tempat paling kering di dunia. Aoulef merupakan te,pat yang sangat panas dan hanya memiliki sebuah oasis di daerah gurun tersebut. Selian itu, hanya terdapat beberapa pokok palma yang memisahkan kota dengan gurun sekitarnya.

2. Pelican Point, Namibia (Curahan Hujan: 8.13mm/Tahun)

Pelican Point terletak dalam wilayah Walvis Bay di negara Namibia. Ia hanya memiliki sebuah dermaga yang dikelilingi gumuk pasir. Curahan hujan di kawasan ini kurang dari 10mm menjadikannya salah satu tempat paling kering di dunia. Walaupun keadaannya kering, namun ia menjadi tumpuan pelancong.

3. Iquique, Chili (Curahan Hujan: 5.08mm/Tahun)

Iquique merupakan sebuah kota di utara Chili dan juga ibu kota kepada daerah Taracapa. Ia adalah sebuah kota pelabuhan yang terletak di sebelah barat Gurun Atacama. Hujan merupakan fenomena yang jarang berlaku di kawasan ini dan hanya terjadi pada bulan Januari dan Februari menjadikan ia salah satu lokasi kering di dunia.

4. Wadi Halfa, Sudan (Curahan Hujan: 2.45mm/Tahun)

Wadi Halfa merupakan sebuah wilayah yang sangat tandus di bahagian utara Sudan (sempadan Sudan-Mesir). Ia terletak di tepi tasik Nubia dan memiliki populasi sekitar 15,725 orang. Ia terkenal sebagai salah sebuah tempat paling kering di dunia. Suhu terpanas yang pernah direkodkan di sini adalah 127°F atau 52.78°C yang tercatat pada bulan April tahun 1967.

5. Ica, Peru (Curahan Hujan: 2.29mm/Tahun)

Ica terletak di selatan Lima, Peru bersempadan dengan Gurun Atacama yang terkenal dengan iklim keringnya. Nmaun keadaan kering di kawasan ini dimanfaatkan oleh pelancong yang meneroka kawasan ini dengan menggunakan buggy.


Friday, 27 May 2016


Siapa rakyat Malaysia yang pertama yang memiliki kad pengenalan?

Pasti anda tertanya-tanya siapakah rakyat Malaysia yang pertama memiliki kad pengenalan. 

Beliau adalah, Tun Mustapha Datu Harun.

Biodata Tun Mustapha Datu Harun

Tun Datu Mustapha Datu Harun (31 Julai 1918-2 Februari 1995) merupakan Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sabah pertama dan Ketua Menteri Sabah ketiga. Beliau juga digelar 'Bapa Kemerdekaan Sabah' dan 'Bapa Pembangunan Sabah'.

Beliau dilahirkan pada 31 Julai 1918 di Kampung Tampakan, Kudat, Sabah. Beliau adalah anak ke-3 Datu Harun Datu Nasaruddin dan Norani Abdul Rahim. Bapa beliau berbangsa Suluk dan ibu berketurunan Bajau Bannaran. Beliau mempunyai 8 adik-beradik. Adik-beradiknya; Dayang Bidari, Dayang Siti Sarah, Datu Mustapha, Dayang Karum, Datu Aliudin, Datu Muhammadun, Dayang Tahiyah & Dayang Khadijah. (sumber lisan adik bongsunya, Dayang Khadijah). Tun Datu Mustapha mempunyai 5 orang isteri dan antaranya ialah Toh Puan Hajah Rahmah Haji Zulkarnain dan dikurniakan beberapa cahaya mata. 

Isteri yang pertama meninggal (tiada anak). Allahyarham Datu Abdul Hamid, Dayang Maimunah (isteri ke-2; sumber lisan Dayang Maimunah), Datu Badaruddin, Datu Kamaruddin (isteri ke-5, Toh Puan Rahmah kacukan Bajau Kagayan-Suluk), Dayang Zulfah (isteri berbangsa Cina), Dayang Zauyah, Dayang Rosnah, Dayang Aminah, Dayang Marina dan Datu Harun (isteri orang Inggeris).
Isteri beliau Hawia Panglima Mohd (82 tahun) meninggal dunia pada 13 Disember 2011 di Penambang. Hawia berasal dari Kampung Pulau Mandidara, Banggi. Anak beliau merupakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sabah kawasan Banggi, Datuk Amir Kahar Tun Mustapha.

Beliau mendapat pendidikan di SRK St James, Kudat. Seterusnya, mengikuti kursus pertanian Lembaga Kemajuan Industri Luar Bandar (RIDA) pada tahun 1951 hingga 1952 di Serdang, Selangor. Pada tahun 1959, beliau menyertai kursus Bahasa Inggeris dan Politik di England.

Zaman Penjajahan

Pada tahun 1928, ketika berusia 10 tahun, beliau bekerja sebagai pelayan rumah kepada Residen Kudat Syarikat Berpiagam Borneo Utara, E.W. Morrel. 6 tahun kemudian, beliau menjadi "Office Orderly" di Pejabat Daerah Kudat. Pada 1 Februari 1937, beliau dilantik sebagai Ketua Anak Negeri dan Pemungut Cukai Candu.

Beliau adalah pejuang pembebasan Borneo Utara dengan Tentera Jepun. Sewaktu zaman akhir penjajahan Jepun Tun Mustapha telah bertindak menentang tentera Jepun dan pihak Jepun telah menawarkan ganjaran wang untuk menangkap Tun Mustapha. Sewaktu pemberontakan Albert Kwork, Albert Kwork telah mengajak Tun Mustapha untuk sama-sama menyerang Jesselton, tetapi beliau menasihatkan Alber Kwork bahawa belum tiba masanya untuk memberontak. Persediaan dan perancangan rapi adalah diperlukan. Albert Kwork telah bertindak sendirian. Walau bagaimanapun orang-orang Tun Mustapha dari suku Bajau Bannaran dan Sulu dari Mantanani dan Inanam di bawah pimpinan Panglima Ali dan beberapa pemimpin Bajau Suluk yang lain telah sama-sama berjuang dengan Alber Kwork.

Pada tahun 1944, beliau telah belayar menggunakan kapal layar Bajau jenis kumpit ke Palawan (Filipina) bersama-sama sahabatnya Haji Jaafar dan seorang lagi untuk meminta bantuan tentera Amerika di Filipina. Sewaktu di Pulau Balambangan (Banggi) Tun Mustapha dan Haji Jaafar telah bertempur dengan lima orang tentera Jepun dengan bersenjatakan parang Barung (senjata pusaka dari Datu Paduka Mat Salleh) dan mereka berjaya membunuh semua tentera Jepun. Tun Mustapha telah memenggal kepala tentera Jepun yang dibunuhnya untuk dibawa menemui Jeneral Mac Arthur (Ketua Tentera Amerika Syarikat yang berpangkalan di Filipina) untuk mendapatkan bantuan senjata bagi menentang tentera Jepun di Sabah. Sewaktu Tun Mustapha di Filipina bapanya telah meninggal dunia dan adiknya pula Datu Muhammadun bersama-sama sahabat yang juga sepupu bernama Ali Basa telah ditangkap oleh tentera Jepun di perairan Pulau Banggi sewaktu mengintip pergerakan tentera Jepun untuk memastikan pelayaran Tun Mustapha ke Palawan selamat. Pada waktu itu, pihak Jepun menyangka bahawa yang ditangkap itu adalah Datu Mustapha, tetapi mereka tidak tahu (sumber lisan adik bongsu Tun). Datu Muhamadun telah diseksa oleh tentera Jepun dengan diikat pada palang kayu. Dihiris-hiris badannya dan lukanya dibubuh garam. Beliau dijemur pada panas terik diberi minum air sabun dan dipukul perut dan badannya oleh tentera Jepun. Ali Basa pula telah digantung di Karakit Pulau Banggi selama tiga hari tiga malam dalam keadaan kepala ke bawah dan kaki terikat di atas. Beliau juga diseksa dan dipukul oleh tentera Jepun. Selepas tiga hari Ali Basa dan Datu Muhamadun telah dibawa belayar ke Kudat. Datu Muhamadun telah memberikan amanat akhir kepada Ali Basa agar beliau mencari jalan untuk melarikan diri dan memberitahu Tun Mustapha mengenai penagkapannya dan beliau berpesan agar membela kematiannya nanti.
Ali Basa telah berjaya melarikan diri dengan terjun ke laut di perairan Pulau Balak-balak Banggi dalam keadaan kaki tangan terikat dan telanjang bulat. Menurut beliau sewaktu berada dalam air laut ikan yu hanya mengelilingi beliau dan beliau boleh bernafas dalam air. Air laut tidak mengenai hidungnya dalam jarak sejengkal. Beliau berjaya membuka ikatan di kaki dan tangannya dan berenang ke Pulau Balak-Balak Banggi. Sewaktu terjun ke dalam laut, beliau telah dihujani dengan peluru meriam dan senapang tentera Jepun namun tidak langsung mengenai tubuh badannya. Keberanian Datu Muhamadun dan Ali Basa telah diabadikan dalam SYAIR PERANG SABIL dalam versi bahasa Suluk untuk menaikkan semangat jihad tentera gerila di Sabah.

Sewaktu Tun Mustapha kembali ke Sabah beliau amat marah dengan kematian adiknya. Tun Mustapha telah menubuhkan dan mengetuai tentera gerila bumiputera Sabah dengan berpangkat Kapten. Pasukan tentera gerila ini telah disertai oleh orang-orang bumiputera dari suku Suluk, Bajau Bannaran, Kagayan, orang Sungai, orang Rungus dan Dusun dari Kudat, Kota Marudu dan Pitas. Beliau bermula dengan pangkat prebet dan setelah itu dinaikkan pangkat ke Sarjan di dalam Bahagian Perkhidmatan Perisikan Rahsia. 5 April 1945, Tun Datu Mustapha dinaikkan pangkat Leftenan. Selepas itu, beliau menjawat jawatan Kapten gerila British di Borneo Utara di bawah pimpinan Kolonel R.G.P.N. Comber, Bekas Pegawai Daerah Kota Belud. Sewaktu melawan tentera Jepun, pasukan gerila Tun Mustapha telah terlibat dengan beberapa pertempuran di Kudat, Kota Marudu, Pitas, Kota Belud dan Pulau Banggi. Sewaktu fasa akhir melawan tentera Jepun Tun Mustapha telah menempatkan semua keluarga dan sanak saudaranya yang ingin berpindah ke sebuah tempat persembunyian yang dikenali sebagai TAPOKAN di kawasan Telaga, Pitas.

Sekembalinya British dari Perang Dunia Kedua, beliau menyandang kerusi Ketua Anak Negeri Kelas 1 membawa gelaran Orang Kaya-Kaya (OKK). Beliau telah memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Sabah dan atas kepimpinannya sewaktu melawan tentera Jepun di Sabah beliau telah diberi mandat untuk memimpin Sabah bagi mencapai kemerdekaan. Setelah itu, tiba saat gilang-gemilang apabila Sabah merdeka dalam Malaysia, beliau dilantik sebagai Yang DiPertua Negeri Sabah.

Zaman Kemerdekaan 

Selepas 2 tahun memerintah negeri Sabah, akhirnya pada 16 September 1965, beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai Yang DiPertua Negeri Sabah dan menyerahkan jawatan kepada Tun Pengiran Ahmad Raffae. Beliau menjadi Ketua Menteri Sabah pada tahun 1965-1973. Beliau adalah pengasas Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Sabah Bersatu (USNO). Beliau juga pernah menjadi Presiden PERKIM (1977-1979) dan Presiden Pertubuhan Islam Sabah Bersatu (USIA). Beliau juga ahli Royal Commonwealth Association dan Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Pada tahun 1972, beliau menjadi Pengerusi Persatuan Peladang Kebangsaan. Beliau juga pernah menjadi Ketua Pengakap Negeri Sabah dan dianugerahkan Pingat 'SEMANGAT PADI'. Sekitar November 1973-Februari 1990, beliau dilantik menjadi Pro-Canselor Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.

Apakah Pas IMM13?


Pas IMM13 merupakan suatu pas lawatan yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia mengikut peruntukan Peraturan 11 Peraturan-Peraturan Imigresen 1963.


Pada awal tahun 1970-an, pergolakan politik dan agama tercetus di selatan Filipina. Susulan daripada pergolakan tersebut, ramai warganegara Filipina yang beragama Islam lari ke Sabah dan Labuan untuk memohon perlindungan. Beberapa skim penempatan pelarian telah diwujudkan oleh kerajaan di Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Tawau, Semporna dan Labuan bagi tujuan di atas.

Memandangkan pelarian-pelarian ini tidak mempunyai sebarang dokumen pengenalan diri dan dokumen perjalanan yang sah, kerajaan telah mengambil suatu langkah untuk mengiktiraf kehadiran pelarian-pelarian ini dengan meminda Perintah Pasport (Pengecualian) (No. 2) 1966 menerusi Perintah Pasport (Pengecualian) (No. 2) (Pindaan) 1972.

Menerusi pindaan tersebut, satu perenggan baru telah dimasukkan di bawah perenggan (j) dalam Jadual (Perenggan 2) Perintah Pasport (Pengecualian) (No. 2) 1966 iaitu:

“Persons exempted from section 2 and section 3 of the Passports Act, 1966.

(k) Any national of the Republic of the Philippines entering Sabah other than by a vessel of an international shipping or air line, who satisfies the Minister that his entry is in the interest of Sabah.”

Pindaan di atas berkuatkuasa mulai 12 September 1972 dan selepas itu, pas lawatan HIF22 telah dikeluarkan kepada pelarian-pelarian tersebut dengan bayaran RM20.00 untuk sahlaku selama setahun. Pas tersebut boleh dilanjutkan dari setahun ke setahun.

Pengeluaran pas tersebut bertujuan membantu pemantauan kumpulan pelarian-pelarian tersebut memandangkan mereka berbeza dari kumpulan pekerja-pekerja asing dan juga pendatang-pendatang tanpa izin.

Pas lawatan HIF22 kemudiannya telah ditukar format kepada pas lawatan sosial IMM13 dengan bayaran RM90.00 untuk sahlaku selama setahun. Pas tersebut juga boleh dilanjutkan dari setahun ke setahun. Pembaharuan pas tersebut selari dengan cadangan pihak Refugees Commission of the United Nations yang mengambilkira keadaan di negera asal pelarian-pelarian tersebut yang tidak membenarkan mereka untuk dihantar pulang.

Siapa yang layak memegang pas IMM 13?

Pada dasarnya, pelarian-pelarian dari Filipina yang masuk ke Sabah dan Labuan antara tahun 1972 hingga 1984 layak memegang pas tersebut. Selain itu, anak-anak pelarian yang memiliki sijil lahir (sama ada ibu atau bapa adalah pemegang pas IMM13) juga layak memohon pas IMM13 bagi membolehkan mereka tinggal bersama ibu bapa mereka di Sabah dan Labuan.

Prosedur permohonan;

(i) Pemohon perlu hadir ke pejabat Imigresen untuk membuat permohonan dengan mengemukakan sijil lahir asal yang telah disahkan oleh Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara.

(ii) Ibu atau bapa yang memiliki pas IMM 13 perlu hadir bersama pemohon dengan mengemukakan pas IMM 13 yang asal.

(iii) Sekiranya ibu atau bapa yang memiliki pas IMM 13 telah meninggal dunia, pemohon perlu membawa salinan asal sijil kematian dan pas IMM 13 ibu atau bapa mereka yang telah disahkan oleh Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara.

Kemudahan yang diterima;

Pemegang IMM 13 dibenarkan tinggal di negeri Sabah dan Labuan mengikut tempoh yang dinyatakan dalam pas. Pemegang pas IMM 13 juga boleh bekerja di negeri Sabah dan Labuan tanpa perlu memohon pas kerja (tetapi bukan untuk bekerja dalam sektor profesional dan perkhidmatan awam). Mereka juga berhak untuk menerima pendidikan dan perkhidmatan kesihatan mengikut budi bicara pihak-pihak yang berkenaan.

SUMBER: Solidariti Belia SulukBajau Sayang Sabah (FB)

Tuesday, 24 May 2016


Mysterious and alluring individuals, most Pisces are extremely talented, but even though they are gifted in many ways, they still manage to spend most of their lives battling "confusing" conditions. Pisces is the sign symbolised by the image of two fish. Their symbol depicts one fish heading upward, the other pulling downward. This mirrors how Pisceans are frequently torn between two pathways in life, or actually do live two very different existences at the same time. 

The number 2, is a very powerful number for them. This zodiac sign is acknowledged as being the Saint and the Sinner rolled into one; the trendsetter of fashion or art, the lost soul, the philosopher and the psychotic and the visionary. As a credit to them, considering their many vulnerable characteristics; Pisceans are incredibly adaptable and resilient. They are to be found leading the field in many diverse areas of life and many Pisces can be found represented amongst top business millionaires. On the other side of the coin, prisons, reform schools and all kinds of institutions statistically hold a high number of Pisceans too. 

The Piscean's inner quest to explore their "ivory tower" syndrome can lead them into some most unusual and unlikely living conditions. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Pisces are the ones who end up in the most muddles over the years of their lives. They fantasize about situations, people and particularly romance - and because they spend so much time in their own form of 'fantasy land' this can catch them short in other more worldly areas. Because of this inner world of fantasy, Pisces people seldom perceive whatever is going on around them in its true light. They see life instead as they want to see it, coloring their view of the world in hues and tones far removed from its true reflection. No wonder this is the sign of both miracles and disillusionment. If you are a Pisces, be warned your emotions are a weak spot. 

One thing that plays havoc with your life is romance. When things romantically are going well for you, you are on cloud nine. When romance turns sour you land in a heap. Pisces often need to take lots of holidays (or time off) to recover from life's many diverse pressures. You are the zodiac's most sensitive sign, so you need to take extra special care of yourself. Nobody can beat you up, as much as you can beat yourself up within your own mind. In your purest form you are psychic, visionary and a guiding light to all who know you. But, in your "out of tune" state, you become depressed, obsessive and confused. — with Donnycamtel Nweke, Helen J Daniels, Livia Kay and 46 others.

Reputed to be the "most powerful" sign of the zodiac, Scorpios lead fate filled lives and have intense and dramatic personal relationships. Even as children Scorpios are often found to be wise beyond their years. Many astrologers call this the sign of the "oldest souls". Old and wise beyond the average, Scorpios often know all the answers, except sometimes; they too often have difficulty finding what they need to develop their own happiness. 

Passion, desire and power go hand in hand for Scorpios. Their biggest challenge and test in life is choosing between the power of love and the love of power. Coming to grips with their extraordinary emotional depths and sensitivity isn't easy for those around them. They are different from all other zodiac signs and this difference has them walking, working and loving to a different beat. Others can often live with a Scorpio partner for years, but not really know them. Much to do with a Scorpio remains ever secret. Their eyes often blaze with feelings that words never express, and beware on the days or nights they hide their feelings behind dark glasses, there is likely to be a storm of some kind brewing. When you deal with a Scorpio you have to always deal with them on a psychic intuitive level. They often wear a mask. Too often they say "no" when they really mean "yes". They have contrary natures. Once they find true love they can be the most faithful dedicated of all partners but fall out badly with a Scorpio and you are likely to find they will never forget or forgive. 

Most Scorpios are winners. The main thing they have to worry about is their attitudes, which make up their mind powers and can either make or break them. When they are negative about something or someone, or critical of themselves, they can tend to get in their own way. 

Scorpios operate on three levels of soul evolvement; adding up to three distinctively different types of Scorpios. The first level is the Scorpion. This is the least evolved and most drawn toward using their powers the wrong way. The criminal element of Scorpio comes under this level. Then there is the eagle - the highflying, entrepreneurial, successful Scorpio, who seems able to rise above adversity and transform bad-times into good. Then the highest expression of this sign is the Phoenix Resurrected. These Scorpios are detached and extremely powerful. They are wise beyond their years and act as leaders and are an inspiration to others. Quite frequently a Scorpio goes through the three levels of evolvement in one lifetime - but the levels can operate out of sequence.

Underneath their cool, calm and collected exterior, Taureans differ greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being socialisers. They will let others get close, but only so close as they want them. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a Taurean, should they not want to hear you, is rather similar to talking to the trees, they simply won't budge. And, there is no such thing as an open-book Taurean. Their feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around them would guess. Like the butterfly that chooses to remain hidden in its cocoon until it is ready and prepared to emerge, so the true Taurean spirit remains hidden behind a veneer of day-to-day activities. That's why Taureans are sometimes regarded as snobby, withdrawn, boring, or even sulky. 

The truth is, when Taureans manage to operate very adequately on their own form of automatic pilot, they can switch off from the world around them very efficiently. And when they do switch off, they are actually gathering in their inner reserves to deal with the outside pressures. This sign is also very closely connected to 'feeling good'. Most Taureans like their creature comforts and hate change because it takes them out of their automatic pilot condition of separating themselves from the world around them. 

Because they hate to be put in jeopardy of any kind, this is the sign that strives to create tomorrow in advance, rather than leave it to fate. In love, Taureans are regarded as extremely sensual beings. An earth sign, they deal well with the personal, physical senses and consequently all the pleasures associated with what they can see, touch, smell and taste, add up to a special delight to them. Often nature and pet lovers, Taureans are closely associated with all things off the earth and nature. — with Lhadie Nhieszha, Lhazsie JhOkier, Misael Vallejo and 46 others.

Virgos are often put down badly by many astrologers and written up as being fussy and narrow-minded. But when a Virgo shines, there is practically no sign to match their inner light. An in-tune Virgo is a treat to meet. When a Virgo is confident within themselves they are the most successful, structured and creative of all the signs.

Many Virgos can be found working in the "service to others" industries, ranging from welfare work, doctors, school-teachers through to practising natural forms of healing like massage, herbal remedies etc. One of the most magical characteristics of the Virgo is no matter how many times life or romance turns sour on them, they still manage to maintain faith in others, refusing to become cynical. There is ingenuity around this sign, a kind-heartedness, which unfortunately is sometimes played upon by others for their advantage. Virgos can often become victims of relationship power-games, where they are mistreated. 

Creative and sensitive, Virgos are delicate people who, like rare and special orchids, require individual treatment to fully blossom into their true unique beauty. Shy, they are happy to allow others to take centre-stage and often generate their time and energy into making those they love happy or successful. 

Virgos are givers and when the chips are down and you need a friend, the one available during those testing times when you need advice or companionship the most, is likely to be a Virgo. Virgos understand human frailties better than most, because they are so deep and reflective themselves. With a Virgo in your life you have someone who understands and cares and any romance or friendship based upon these qualities is certain to be mutually rewarding.

Those born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the zodiac's enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their astrological symbol - the Crab - Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside. However, for those of us who know and love a "Moon Child", we understand that deep below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special... 

Just as the Moon goes through many changes as it moves from its new to full phases, Cancers too go through many new and full phases of experience. Life doesn't stand still for this sign, even if they remain in one place, because they live so much in their internal oceans of emotions. Their link with the Moon often makes it impossible for them to operate on an even keel from day to day. Up and down like the proverbial yo-yo, most Cancerians feel one way one minute, then sometimes totally different the next. But this characteristic is part of their charm. 

In ancient Greek mythology, Gemini's ruler - Mercury, was the light-footed messenger of the gods who darted back and forth across the heavens delivering news - which might explain why those born under the sign of the 'Twins' are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. It's just that variety is the spice of their lives! 

In Astrology, Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, "there's one thing worse than people talking about you, that's people not talking about you." Whether Geminis like it or not, people are usually "talking about them". Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives. The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large. 

Another reason Geminis evoke so much interest is many born under this sign are multi-dimensionally talented. In money matters, some Geminis are very adept and quick at making it...and spending it too. Many Geminis are involved in international financial wheeling and dealing. They love the adventure and game playing involved in out-thinking other people. Gemini's can be very haphazard about their financial affairs too, with many of them ending up in divorce courts mainly because their partners have become tired of living on the edge of a financial precipice.

Every adolescent Libran's fantasy is to find the Prince or Princess of their dreams. As their lives unfold, the experiences, false starts, dramas, broken hearts and disillusionment they encounter seeking this personal Holy Grail, often shapes their futures in the most extra-ordinary manner. Love and love-lost makes a big difference to the Libran although their often happy-go-lucky appearance against all kinds of odds may not reveal this as fact.

Librans can switch off from the world around then and during these periods much more occurs on the deep innermost levels of the Libran's psyche, than their closest companions imagine. Many Librans after establishing a lifestyle that somehow falls short of their childhood dreams, manage to conjure up a most independent life and keep up an image of being dedicated to a "close relationship". They can escape into obscure role playing - and often this makes them extremely successful business people. When it comes to romance and love, Librans can be difficult to fathom yet in business many Librans discover they can not only be creative, but it provides an opportunity to express the more diverse sides to their personalities. Their charm can win jobs and provides powerful friends. But in both work and play, looking for peace and harmony, Librans often say "yes" when they should be saying "no". 

It is a sad fact about many a Libran's personal or business lives to say - many would have faired far better had they remained alone! But for those Librans who do find their secret dream and meet up with their Prince or Princess, that's another story! You'll find them living in some exotic, distant beautiful place, probably running the local bar or restaurant, designing the beach or ski gear, looking wonderful, sipping cocktails and finding life to be the total paradise they knew it could be. What Librans always have to remember when looking to fulfil their dreams is they should never undermine their own integrity and hold out until their dreams do come true - not simply take whatever is offered.

Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

But sometimes trying to tie down these free-spirited individuals is frustrating for those around them. Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. In love, their catch-cry is "don't fence me in". But once they find a partner who understands their need to retain their own sense of self and identity, Sagittarians can be the most big-hearted, generous and fun-loving companions of all. 

Freedom loving, optimistic and honest, Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and higher learning. The wisdom of Jupiter imbibes Sagittarians with an inherent need to develop their own unique philosophy of life. The Centaur is their astrological symbol, and it gives many insights into the Sagittarian personality. The higher-evolved Sagittarian learns to integrate the two ends of the Centaur (half-human, half-beast) in order for their arrow (another Sagittarian symbol) of higher aspirations to be more on the mark. Although they are intellectually and spiritually advanced, Sagittarians are notorious for their lack of tact. In relationships they demand independence, but when in love, it can't be denied that they are one of the most big-hearted signs of the zodiac.

Special note for Aquarians: At the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius, at this time, ready or not, your sign is regarded as the zodiac's leader. You are the trendsetter for the future and because of this high responsibility, many under born your sign will be undergoing at this time, the pressure of personal change (particularly in your values and what makes you content and happy). Yours has always been a philanthropic sign. Now more than ever these qualities will be highlighted.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius not only march to a different drummer, they make up new music as they go along. They are 'mind oriented' individuals, whose thoughts never stop tick-tocking over. Because of their high focus on intellectual exploration, many inventors, eccentrics and highly original trailblazers are born under this sign. Their intense ability to live on many mental levels, holds both pain and pleasure for Aquarians. For example, in the American Hall of Fame there are more Aquarians than any other sign, yet statistics reveal that in mental institutions there are more Aquarians than any other sign too. Many extremes can surround this sign and these extremes can take them to both heaven and hell. 

But in everyday terms, most Aquarians are extremely humanitarian and often involved in social programs that assist others. They can also be objective in judgement, for they never let their emotions get in the way. Outgoing and amiable, Aquarians attract friends wherever they go and those whom Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty. 

Aquarians are the zodiac's most mysterious and unusual people - and no two are anything alike. Those born under this sign - ruled by innovative and non-conformist Uranus - march to the beat of their own drum. They see life in a different way. Others quite frequently think their habits and ideas are eccentric or crazy in some way, but it is this uniqueness that makes them so special. The Aquarian mind is extremely quick and they never seem to stop thinking (it is interesting to note that many born under this sign suffer from insomnia.) Aquarians usually have strong political, environmental or social beliefs. But whether it is a relationship, career or cause - Aquarians are happiest when they have "something" to believe in and nurture.

Aries are fire signs and those born under this element are regarded in astrology as adventurous, active and outgoing. It won't matter where you go or how remote or unusual it is - from the Outback to the Antarctic - you can be sure that an Aries has been there before you (or at the very least you will meet one along the way!) Aries is a uniquely naive sign. Although they are independent, outgoing and assertive they are also surprisingly trusting, often innocently walking into the lion's den at times. No matter what upheaval, challenge or triumph they confront - an Aries has a wonderful ability to bounce back. Their faith in life and the future remains untouched by hardship. Their gift is that they are always children at heart and the world is always a magical place for them. Many famous sports people are born under this sign. Aries is regarded as the most physical sign and because of its Mar's rulership; it is also one of the most highly charged masculine energy signs in astrology. No wonder women born under Aries are forceful, dynamic and aggressive, and as a result these Aries women frequently find themselves with dilemmas surrounding their romantic relationships. For them, a man has to be a 'real man' to deal with an Aries woman, otherwise she intimidates him. And conversely for the Aries male, a woman has to be a real woman to deal with him, because he is looking for many balancing component traits (his true feminine side) in his partner. She has to run the gamut in his support system, from the Aries man's best friend, true companion, through to his muse, and yet she must never ever answer him back! 

Therefore Aries can be a confusing sign because there is a complex combination of very strong masculine and feminine expressions all combined together. Because of the male energy surrounding it, when a woman is born under Aries, it creates some of the most interesting women in the world, women who are adventurous, independent and have competitive natures. It also tends to make them very forthright. 

But whether male or female, Aries people are 'doers' rather than 'talkers'. They are the impulsive, act first, ask questions or have doubts later, sign of the zodiac. That's why their lives are often filled with many dramas and sometimes even accidents! Their ability to live life close to the edge provides them with a wealth of 'real experience' to call upon. When an Aries person talks about something or somewhere they've usually done it or been there, rather than simply read about it in a book. Being active people Aries can't adapt to any kind of restriction, particularly possessive relationships. They often travel to escape any feelings of being stuck or possessed. Aries people love challenges. In fact, if everything is running smoothly, they are quite capable of going out and doing something (sometimes quite foolish) to rock the boat. Aries love to race in where angels fear to tread.

The sign of the high roller, Capricorn is regarded as the zodiac's top, but also quiet, life and business achievers. But, there are two very different types of Capricorns. 

The first is represented by the mountain goat, always climbing higher and higher; never content until reaching the top. The second is the garden goat, with little adventurous spirit or ambition-happy to remain within a small domain, refusing to budge unless it is pushed. Either type of Capricorn, however, is patient and persevering. They reach their goals because they know the longest journey commences with a single step and that the first step is always the most difficult. 

The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave (and often neglect to give themselves!) 

The rulership of Saturn - the planet representing responsibility, structure and hard work - ensures that Capricorns in their truest of expression, are ambitious, practical and superb organizers. Although many Capricorns are borderline workaholics, this doesn't necessarily make them dull or gloomy! They have an offbeat sense of humour, which seems to erupt at the most unexpected moments. Their motivating force in life is success, money, status, authority and - although many might not admit it - love. By nature Capricorns are cautious when entering a new love relationship, but once they feel 'safe' with their partner, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a sensitive and loyal heart beneath. As a friend, Capricorns can be relied upon to provide the strongest and most sympathetic pair of shoulders in the zodiac...

Love triumphs over all for this sign, which is ruled by the heart and operates from this dimension too. Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour. 

Once a Lion is committed to a relationship, they are totally devoted and faithful. Should their heart or trust be broken they never forgive or forget. When a relationship breaks down (even a long standing one) they can disappear into the sunset without a backward look. Leos can cut ties, and leave others heartbroken, but usually there is a good reason why they have broken a tryst. For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over for good. 

There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leos cling to others (in the mode of the child not wanting to leave its mother's side).) They can't bear to be alone. 

No matter what level they have attained, all Leos are trendsetters, leaders and adventurers. Their weakness is their pride. This is one sign where the saying "flattery will get you everything" applies, but be warned criticism will slam the relationship door right in your face.


Seorang pemuda; pembela Rasulullah S.A.W. telah dihukum mati oleh pihak berkuasa Pakistan. Beliau yang bernama Muhammad Muztaz Husain merupakan seorang  tentera yang bertugas sebagai pengawal Hakim Pakistan -  Salman Tatsir. 
Muhammad Mumtaz Husain dijatuhi hukuman mati kerana telah membunuh seorang Hakim Wilayah Pinjab sekitar 5 tahun dahulu. Hakim tersebut bernama Salman Tatsir. Hakim berkenaan telah dibunuh kerana telah mencela dan menghina baginda Rasulullah S.A.W. di hadapan para tentera dan masyarakat umum.

Kejadian tersebut bermula setelah Salman Tatsir menyatakan bahawa undang-undang negara Pakistan yang menegaskan hukuman mati bagi para penghina Rasulullah S.A.W. merupakan undang-undang yang illegal atau gelap serta harus diperbaharui (diamandemen). Bukan setakat itu, hakim itu turut mencela, menghina dan mencaci maki baginda. Tersentak dengan hinaan itu, Muhammad Mumtaz Husain yang berada tidak jauh dari hakim berkenaan telah melepaskan 40 tembakan peluru timah secara berterusan. Beliau tidak rela dengan penghinaan hakim tersebut kepada Rasulullah S.A.W. 

Setelah kejadian tersebut, pihak berkuasa Pakistan telah memenjarakan Muhammad Mumtaz Husain dan akhirnya beliau didapati bersalah dan dijatuhkan hukuman gantung. Pelaksanaan hukuman gantung itu telah dijalankan pada 29 Februari 2016 bersamaan 20 Jamdilawal 1437H.
Beliau telah digantung dalam keadaan tersenyum dan disebutkan bahawa Allahyarham telah bermimpi bertemu dengan Rasulullah S.A.W. sewaktu di dalam penjara. Pengkebumian Allahyarham telah dihadiri jutaan orang dan dipercayai 6 juta kaum Muslimin telah menyolatkan jenazahnya.
Sudah seharusnya bagi seorang Mukmin itu untuk membela Rasulullah S.A.W. berbanding dengan semua yang ada di muka bumi ini. Kerana dengan mencinta Rasulullah, keimanan kita telah dianggap sempurna.

"Katakanlah: Jika bapa-bapa, anak-anak, saudara-saudara, para isteri, kaum keluargamu, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu bimbangkan kerugiannya dan tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai adalah lebih kamu cinta daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan berjihad di jalan Allah, maka tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan keputusan-Nya. Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang fasiq." - (Surah At-Taubah;24)
Rasulullah S.A.W. juga bersabda dalam hadithnya:
"Tidak beriman salah seroang daripada kalian sehingga aku lebih dicintai daripada orang tuanya, anaknya dan seluruh manusia." (Hadith Riwayat Al-Bukhari)

Sangat banyak berlaku ketika ini di mana orang akan marah dan bertindak kasar terhadap mereka yang menghina ahli keluarga dan kelompok mereka. Namun ketika Rasulullah S.A.W. dihina dan dicaci, tidak seorang pun memberi reaksi untuk membela meski dengan sikap dan ketegasan hati. Umat Islam kini seakan tidak peduli malah beranggapan "beragama" tidak perlu dipertahankan  atau pun diamalkan.

Daripada kisah ini, jelas dilihat bahawa tentera yang bernama Muhammad Mumtaz Husain ini rela kehilangannya pekerjaan malah sanggup hilang nyawa demi kecintaannya kepada Rasul. Walaupun kes ini telah menimbulkan kontroversi tentang benar atau salahnya tindakan tersebut, namun ketahuilah bahawa cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul akan memiliki kedudukan yang tinggi di hadapan siapa pun. Wallahu A'lam.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Semasa beberapa orang penyelidik ahli arkeologi sedang mencari gali ditapak sisa gunung berapi di bandar Rom Pompei, Itali mereka terjumpa banyak mayat-mayat yang telah keras disalut sisa kesan lava gunung berapi. Mayat mereka umpama seperti kisah Si Tanggang atau Malin Kundang yang keras jadi batu akibat disumpah. Amat hiba dan sedih kerana dikatakan keadaan mayat itu ada yang berpelukan antara ibu dan anak, isteri dan suami dan mereka ketakutan, kemudian mati-mati bersama-sama.
Lebih kurang 2000 tahun yang lalu, bandar Rom Pompeii ini telah tenggelam dengan dahsyat sekali, kira-kira 20 kaki dalamnya lahar letusan gunung Mount Vesuvius yang tidak disangka-sangka meletup!

Apabila gunung berapi yang meletus secara tiba-tiba, ramai penduduk Pompeii tidak sempat melarikan diri mencari tempat perlindungan.Mereka sebelum ini tidak pernah mengalami bencana yang begitu dahsyat hingga melenyapkan kesemua penduduk dan harta benda mereka.

Bandar Pompeii lenyap serta merta untuk masa yang agak lama selepas bencana alam itu, namun, pada tahun 1738 lokasi sebenarnya ditemui. Hingga kehari inipun ahli arkeologi giat menjalankan cari gali mereka untuk mencari beberapa lagi tinggalan dan ianya juga menjadi destinasi tarikan pelancong untuk berkunjung ke sini.

SUMBER: beautifulplacesaroundtheworld